Mass Tragedy Support

It’s OK Not to Feel OK.

Mass tragedy incidents are overwhelming and difficult to process. It’s OK not to feel OK. If you are feeling confused, angry, sad, anxious, or depressed, you are not alone. You do not have to have to be directly impacted by a mass tragedy to experience difficulty sleeping, problems with concentration, or grief. Though every mass tragedy incident produces direct victims, the entire community–and sometimes an entire region–can be deeply impacted. If you have questions or need additional help, please email Valerie Craig or by calling 615.390.5202.

General Resources

The following are general resources that may be useful as you process your experiences.

Tennessee Voices for Victims Resources

National Association of School Psychologists Resources

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network Resources

Transcend App from the National Mass Violence Victimization Resource Center

A free app to help users identify and respond to common impacts following a mass violence event.

Criminal Injuries Compensation

As a victim of a mass violence incident, you may be eligible for reimbursement for certain out-of-pocket expenses that are not covered by other sources such as insurance. To learn more about this fund of last resort, please visit the Criminal Injuries Compensation page. If you need help completing your application, please contact our office.

Book Recommendations

Please see our list of book recommendations for all ages, from preschool, gradeschool, and high school to adult.

Antioch High School Resources

For resources specific to the Antioch High School incident, please visit

Covenant School Resources

For resources specific to the Covenant School incident, please visit


Please contact Valerie Craig with any questions or inquiries.